Candace D. Armstrong

A Trusted Mediator


I am passionate about finding solutions that people have chosen and understand.  As a lawyer, I spent my career creating agreements and solutions outside of court.  As a mediator, I focus on providing information, education and options for informed decisions by the parties.

For almost two decades, I have worked with a diverse group of clients, industries, legal projects and disputes.  My legal practice has focused on assisting businesses and individuals with unique personalized structures and solutions.  This experience has provided me with a vast array of options to consider as we often “think outside the box.”

Agricultural Experience

With over dozen years serving the agricultural community, I bring an understanding of not just the related law, but more importantly the people and the unique considerations in mediating these matters. Whether it is a small family farm, larger operations, landowners, farmers or the industries that serve them, it is important to know the underlying heart, business considerations and legal rules and practices. My community is a rural agricultural base, and my clients have covered all of these different constituencies over the years. Having worked through concerns from multiple angles and perspectives, I bring that experience to mediating matters both in the agricultural industry or relating to it.

Learn More

For more information about my legal experience, please check out my law firm biography and my LinkedIn page.